I've been doing genealogy since 1983,
long before home computers and digital information. Back then we had to
write letters and send them via the Post Office and wait weeks,
sometimes, before getting a response, that is, IF we even got a
response. We also had to travel to libraries and courthouses to search
for information and records. In some ways, I miss those days. In my
opinion, research was a bit more personal then. Now, it's just click
here, click there and, if you're lucky, up pops the information you're
looking for without any human contact. It also makes it easy, at least
for me, to jump from family to family and get off course from what my
initial search was for.
I start with looking for something for my CHMIELEWSKI family and before I realize it, I'm looking for something for my MARTIN or LOCKMILLER family. It gets so frustrating!! I seem to spend my days searching this, that, and the other website for information and at the end of the day I've made very little, if any progress. I'm also trying to be more accurate with my sourcing. I use LegacyFamilyTree software and want to revise my sourcing from the Basic mode to the new Sourcewriter mode, but after using the basic mode for over 7 years, it's an intimidating task, not to mention learning a new way of entering sources. I never used to be intimidated learning new things. I suppose it could be my age. I'll be 65 this year. Do you tend to jump from family to family when you're researching or recording your data, do have what I think is the necessary "tunnel vision" to stick with one line until you hit a (temporary) dead end? I really need to re-learn how to stick with one family at a time. I'd really appreciate any suggestions.
I start with looking for something for my CHMIELEWSKI family and before I realize it, I'm looking for something for my MARTIN or LOCKMILLER family. It gets so frustrating!! I seem to spend my days searching this, that, and the other website for information and at the end of the day I've made very little, if any progress. I'm also trying to be more accurate with my sourcing. I use LegacyFamilyTree software and want to revise my sourcing from the Basic mode to the new Sourcewriter mode, but after using the basic mode for over 7 years, it's an intimidating task, not to mention learning a new way of entering sources. I never used to be intimidated learning new things. I suppose it could be my age. I'll be 65 this year. Do you tend to jump from family to family when you're researching or recording your data, do have what I think is the necessary "tunnel vision" to stick with one line until you hit a (temporary) dead end? I really need to re-learn how to stick with one family at a time. I'd really appreciate any suggestions.
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